
Capitol Weekly Podcast: Harmeet Dhillon on the End of Roe

Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a prominent voice in Republican politics: she is the former vice chairwoman of the California Republican Party, a co-chair of Women for Trump, and was a legal adviser on the Trump 2020 campaign. She is the founder of a nationally recognized business litigation law firm – the Dhillon Law Group – and of the Center for American Liberty, which targets discrimination and civil liberties.

During the COVID era she filed numerous lawsuits challenging stay-at-home orders enacted during the pandemic, and prevailed in a case before the Ninth Circuit that unraveled much of the Newsom administration’s school closure policy. She is also a regular commenter on Fox News (she has described pundit Laura Ingraham as a “mentor”), and penned an Op-Ed for them last week, “The plot to destroy the Court,” that examines the leak of a draft SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v. Wade, and explores the implications of that decision, if the draft turns out to be accurate.

We asked her to comment on those issues and also to talk about the complexities of being a Republican who is a civil libertarian with ties to the ACLU. She also joined us for “Who Had the Worst Week in California Politics?”

Show Notes:

:27 How will the decision affect California – or will it?

3:35 An ACLU Board Member AND Women for Trump co-chair. Really.

6:46 “Why do you still live in California?”

7:10 The beginnings of hyper-partisanship

11:47 “The quality of state legislators has declined over time”

13:23 Term limits?

14:58 “Where is Asthma Day?”

16:21 Does the Roe decision open the door to overturn Obergefell v Hodges?

20:56 A wide majority of Americans believe in SOME abortion rights – but how far does that support go?

23:32 Who benefits from the leak of this document?

27:48 #WWCA

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