
Capitol Weekly Podcast: The Vaccines are coming

A medical researcher at work. (Photo: National Cancer Institute, via Wikimedia Commons.

As most of the state winches down amid a new surge of COVID-19 cases, doctors and scientists are racing to prepare for the largest vaccination campaign in generations. Multiple coronavirus vaccines have been found to be be effective; now the challenge shifts to distribution.

Capitol Weekly’s John Howard and Tim Foster were joined by Dr. Dean Blumberg, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, UC Davis School of Medicine and Acting Chief, Pediatric Infectious Disease Section, UC Davis Medical Center.

We posed many questions about the vaccines: what is the two-step process required by many of the vaccines, and why is it necessary? How will the extreme low-temperature storage requirements impact distribution and administration of the vaccine? Should Californians be concerned that the vaccines were produced so quickly? How much will it cost to get the vaccine?

Dr. Blumberg answered all of these questions, and many more, on the latest edition of the Capitol Weekly Podcast.

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