
Capitol Weekly Podcast: Samantha Gallegos, from hack to flack

Samantha Gallegos, communications director for Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego. (Photo: Tim Foster)

These days, Samantha “Sami” Gallegos is the communications director for Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, the high-visibility lawmaker representing  the 80th AD. But before she went to work inside the Capitol, Sami covered the Capitol as a journalist.

Sami was a Capitol Weekly intern, then later worked as a full-time reporter for CW before leaving nonprofit journalism for the glamour, glitz and unparalleled excitement of local TV’s ABC10.

Sami joined the podcast with Capitol Weekly’s John Howard and Tim Foster to chat about making the transition from journalist to political pro, and what it’s like to run the communications shop for an elected official who gets plenty of attention all on her own.


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