
Capitol Weekly Podcast: Kevin Eckery

An early law enforcement rendering of the Unabomber, based on the description of a witness.

Twenty two years ago this week, federal authorities arrested Ted Kaczynski — known as the Unabomber — in his remote cabin near Lincoln, Montana, ending a 17-year reign of terror.

While the Unabomber had no strong ties to the Sacramento region, both his first and final murders occurred here. It was in 1995 that Kaczynski, a Harvard-trained mathematician and forest recluse, claimed his final victim, Sacramento timber lobbyist Gil Murray. Murray was killed by a powerful bomb that tore through the California Forestry Association offices on I Street.

Longtime political communications professional Kevin Eckery worked with Murray — and also with the bomb’s intended target, William Dennison — at the Association.

Eckery sat down with Capitol Weekly’s John Howard — who covered the Unabomber for AP —  and Tim Foster to share his memories about the case that drew international attention.

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