
The Skinny

Congratulations to Steve Maviglio who, despite being in Italy for Election Day, won a convincing victory in his race for the board of the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op. Maviglio finished first in a multi-candidate field, securing 532 votes. So, you now all have someone to lobby to get the price of those heirloom tomatoes out of the stratosphere. …

But Maviglio isn’t the only political candidate in the Building. John Ferrera, chief of staff to Senate Budget Chairwoman Denise Ducheny, has formally announced his candidacy for the Yolo County Board of Supervisors. Ferrera will run for the seat currently held by Mariko Yamada, who is running for the Assembly next year against Christopher Cabaldon. …

And speaking of local politics, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa got an earful from a constituent at a recent awards banquet held by the American Film Institute. At the event honoring Jack Nicholson, the guest of honor complained to the mayor about the city’s worsening traffic problem. USA Today reports Rob Reiner was there to run interference, explaining traffic is “all [Nicholson] talks about.” The mayor suggested he and Nicholson sit down to dinner to discuss it, but Nicholson demured. “Fix the traffic,” continued Nicholson, as he walked away. “Help your city.”

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