Posts Tagged: validated


Ballot initiatives in the era of COVID-19

A voter signs a petition to place a measure on the statewide ballot. (Photo: Svineyard, via Shutterstock)

It’s never easy to get initiatives qualified for the ballot, but this year of the COVID-19 pandemic is the worst ever. Organizations busily trying to get enough signatures to qualify their measure of choice had their efforts abruptly halted two weeks ago because of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s sweeping stay-at-home order.


In defense of cap and trade

The power plant in El Segundo, Calif. (Photo: Don Solomon, via Shutterstock)

OPINION: One of California’s tools in fighting climate change and promoting clean air is the emissions reduction program known as cap and trade. Cap and trade is one part of California’s broader approach to growing clean energy jobs and investment — and it works best in concert with the state’s full suite of policies.

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