Posts Tagged: scholarships


Pathways-to-college bill would help students like me

Students at Alliance Susan & Eric Smidt Technology High School, Los Angeles. (School photo)

OPINION: College application season is upon us. This fall, I will begin my senior year of high school at Alliance Susan & Eric Smidt Technology High School and submit my application to my first-choice school, the California Institute of Technology, to study engineering. I’m excited to make my college dreams come true, after four years of hard work.


Labor Day: Standing together for economic justice

OPINION: This Labor Day, more than ever, working people are reminding communities that we are your neighbors, and that our unions are keeping the middle class intact and strong. Whether we are your local teachers, police officers, firefighters, or state or county public workers, we continue to work together to provide a quality education for our students, safe neighborhoods for our families, and well-run communities for all of us.

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