Posts Tagged: MWD


Capitol Weekly Podcast: Jeff Kightlinger

Regional Recycled Water Advanced Purification Center Grand Opening 10, Oct 2019

In this episode John Howard and Tim Foster welcomed the longtime but soon-to-be-retired Metropolitan Water District of Southern California head honcho Jeff Kightlinger for a wide-ranging discussion that covered the status of the Delta Tunnel Project, climate change and the snow survey, the drought, working from home, jukeboxes and his punk rock roots.


Drought: The behemoths combine

Lake Oroville ravaged by drought. (Photo: State Department of Water Resources, 2014)

The heavy hitters are stepping up to the plate. California’s two behemoth water deliverers — the State Water Project and the federal Central Valley Project, perhaps the best known water purveyors in the world — are poised to join together to move water quickly around the state in the face of an unprecedented drought. (Above: Lake Oroville. Photo: DWR)

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