Posts Tagged: John Oliver


John Burton, political icon, still on the move

John Burton smiles as he chats with reporters in 2004 as he leaves the state Senate because of term limits. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

To say that John Burton is wrapped up in politics is a bit like saying the Pacific Ocean is a large body of water. Few California political figures can match his decades of back-and-forth between Washington and Sacramento.  Burton was elected to the Assembly in 1965 and served there until 1974; then he served in the House from 1974 until 1983; then he was back in the Assembly from 1988 until 1996; then he was in the state Senate from 1996 until 2004, serving as Senate leader from 1998 until term limits forced him out.


Accord needed to resolve net neutrality battle

Code on a computer screen, window to the web. (Photo: Soulart)

OPINION: On July 12, the Electric Frontier Foundation, ACLU and many tech companies and nonprofits mobilized for a day of action in support of net neutrality. At issue: making sure the Internet remains open and accessible. This is in response to the new Federal Communications Commission’s vote to start overturning the last FCC’s net neutrality policy.


Experts Expound: Can Trump be stopped?

Illustration by Tim Foster, Capitol Weekly

OPINION: For the experts, take your pick: “Can Donald Trump be stopped? Should he? What’s your look ahead to the general election? Are we looking at a brokered GOP convention? And what’s the outlook for Hillary?”

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