Posts Tagged: Game


Personnel Profile: George Steffes, the octogenarian golf guru

Retired lobbyist George Steffes, prepared for his favorite activity. (Photo: Rich Ehisen)

If you want to play better golf, longtime Capitol lobbyist-turned-golf-instructor George Steffes has some advice: learn how to throw a club. Now Steffes – who once upon a time was Gov. Ronald Reagan’s Legislative Director – is not encouraging duffers to pitch a hissy fit when things go wrong on the course. Throwing a club – or more accurately, tossing a club at a specific target – is just one of many drills he uses to help folks work out their swing.


At the Movies

Photo: Mateusz Kudła

Ender’s Game
Directed by Gavin Hood

A film that is “solid and entertaining,” but “humorless and overly serious.” (Photo:Mateusz Kudła)

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