Posts Tagged: appliances


Eliminating natural gas for electricity carries risks

A pipeline carrying natural gas near San Jose. (Photo: Sundry Photography, via Shutterstock)

OPINION: Climate change is one of the most important challenges of our time.  And in California, we have felt the brunt of both the economic impacts of climate-driven disasters, as well as aggressive technology innovation that is trying to address it.


Schools: Time right for strong energy standards

Three young students with computers at the 11th Annual Bay Area Maker Faire in San Mateo in May. (Photo: David Gilder, Shutterstock)

OPINION: After years of tightened budgets, K-12 schools in California are always looking for ways to save money without diminishing the quality of classroom instruction. The California Energy Commission (CEC) has a golden opportunity to help schools do just that, with the recent release of final energy efficiency standards for computers and monitors that the CEC estimates would save Californians $370 million each year.

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