Posts Tagged: American dream
OPINION – By implementing CalAccount, California can give working families access to their own hard-earned money without fees or penalties – infrastructure that is sorely needed to build an equitable, just, and inclusive California economy.
OPINION – App platforms provide huge audience reach, consistency and reliability, and protect consumers’ data. Digital advertising platforms help us affordably reach key audiences so we add new customers. If platforms are significantly disrupted by the government, it would be very difficult for app-based companies to expand to new markets and grow.
Growth – rapid, buoyant, unstoppable – has been part of California’s DNA since tough and greedy men from around the world came here in search of gold 170 years ago. Now it may be a thing of the past. There are even websites giving prospective emigrants tips on how to make stress-free moves to various states, such as Oregon, Texas and Idaho.
OPINION: We all could use a day off this Labor Day. The past six months have felt like six years, as Americans endure an intersection of crises that threaten our health, endanger our safety, injure our collective soul and tear at the very fabric of our democracy. We are all very tired.